ISSN: 2521-0904 (Print)
ISSN: 2521-0440 (Online)
Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0

Engineering Heritage Journal (GWK)

This is an open access journal distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

Engineering Heritage Journal | Galeri Warisan Kejuruteraan (GWK) presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in civil and environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Papers focus on design, development of engineering methods, management, governmental policies, and societal impacts of wastewater collection and treatment; the fate and transport of contaminants on watersheds, in surface waters, in groundwater, in soil, and in the atmosphere; environmental biology, microbiology, chemistry, fluid mechanics, and physical processes that control natural concentrations and dispersion of wastes in air, water, and soil; nonpoint-source pollution on watersheds, in streams, in groundwater, in lakes, and in estuaries and coastal areas; treatment, management, and control of hazardous wastes; control and monitoring of air pollution and acid deposition; airshed management; and design and management of solid waste facilities.

Frequency: Bi-annual


Engineering Heritage Journal | Galeri Warisan Kejuruteraan (GWK) presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in civil and environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Papers focus on design, development of engineering methods, management, governmental policies, and societal impacts of wastewater collection and treatment; the fate and transport of contaminants on watersheds, in surface waters, in groundwater, in soil, and in the atmosphere; environmental biology, microbiology, chemistry, fluid mechanics, and physical processes that control natural concentrations and dispersion of wastes in air, water, and soil; nonpoint-source pollution on watersheds, in streams, in groundwater, in lakes, and in estuaries and coastal areas; treatment, management, and control of hazardous wastes; control and monitoring of air pollution and acid deposition; airshed management; and design and management of solid waste facilities. It makes the exchange of scientific and practical knowledge; and information among technology professionals. A balanced contribution from consultants, practicing engineers, and researchers is sought on engineering solutions, and professional obligations and responsibilities.

Aims & Scope

The prime objective of the Galeri Warisan Kejuruteraan (GWK) | Engineering Heritage Journal is to publish scientific and technical research contributions in the fields of civil and environmental engineering. GWK provide a medium by means of which fruits of these researches may be brought to the attention of world’s civil communities In particular regard to the latter, the environmental preservation of natural media (soils and rocks) and the mitigation of soil pollutions, natural and technological risks are now not only major societal challenges, but they are also the source of scientific and technical developments that could be extremely beneficial.

GWK focuses on all aspects of civil and environmental engineering and will accept the original research contributions (previously unpublished) from all areas of established engineering disciplines. The papers may be theoretical, experimental or both. Submissions are acceptable in both Bhasa Malaysia and English. We look forward to receive your scholarly work for publication in GWK.

The journal publishes original papers within the broad field of civil and environmental engineering which include, but are not limited to, the followings:

Structural engineering
Earthquake engineering
Concrete engineering
Construction management
Steel structures
Engineering mechanics
Water resources engineering
Hydraulic engineering
Hydraulic structures
Environmental engineering
Soil mechanics
Foundation engineering
Geotechnical engineering
Transportation engineering
Surveying and geomatics

Peer Review Policy
All peer review is single blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.

Article publishing charge
There is no APC for this journal. All accepted papers shall publish FOC.

Submission charges
There are no submission charges for this journal.

Journal Metrics


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