Phytoremediation of suspended solids and turbidity of palm oil mill effluent (POME) by Ipomea aquatica
Journal: Engineering Heritage Journal (GWK)
Author: Hossein Farraji , Nastaein Qamaruz Zaman , Siti Kamariah Md Sa’at, Arezoo Fereidonian
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
DOI: 10.26480/gwk.01.2017.36.40

Malaysia produces 60 million tons palm oil mill effluent per year. Treatment methods are unable to pass discharge standards. Phytoremediation as a co-treatment could be used for anaerobically treatedPOME. Direct application of plant species in palm oil mill effluent has not been fully addressed.
I. aquatica, illustrated in 28 pots with one liter capacity in 7 series and 4 concentrations of POME. The results of this study indicate that 80 % of suspended solid and 90.4% of turbidity in undiluted POME removed with simple one-week phytoremediation process. Water spinach, which naturally grown around the POME polluted area, is a capable nominate for POME phytoremediation.