Journal: Engineering Heritage Journal (GWK)
Author: H. Mohammed Ali, K.C. Udaiyakumar
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
DOI: 10.26480/gwk.02.2021.45.48

People in developing nations, like INDIA, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, BANGLADESH, SRILANKA, AFRICA, THAILAND and Developing Countries etc., face a great deal of issues as far as sewage the executives. This is on the grounds that sanitation arrangement is horribly insufficient. A great many people don’t approach clean toilets, and a lot of fecal waste are released to the earth without satisfactory treatment. In perspective on this, an investigation was done with the point of surveying information, practices, observations, and encounters of family unit on sanitation and sewage the executives in Chennai. The aim of this project is to treat the waste water and reuse the waste water for domestic purpose such as flushing and gardening with minimum cost. The family unit overview results demonstrate that the sewage system stays immature, and there is no reasonable vision to improve the framework created in the family unit isn’t re- utilized, it is for the most part discharged outside. In the tempest water seepage framework legitimately. Sewage treatment from the treatment plants is depleted into surface water bodies, for example, waterways and the sea..